
As a small business owner, you understand that small changes in your revenue-generating abilities can mean a great deal to your company's health.

With the Cyl-Sonic ultrasonic cylinder inspection systems, we help your bottom line in the following ways:

  • Requires less resources - our systems require less labor, electricity and water to operate, translating into increased profit for you.
  • Periodicity extended - our system's sensitivity to detect small flaws (before they reach a critical flaw size) means that regulatory authorities have approved UE to be used in conjunction with already required operational controls to extend the requalification periodicity from 5 to 10 years for 3AL 6061 aluminum alloy cylinders and 10 to 15 years for certain 3AA insert gas services. This potentially reduces cylinder requalification costs by 33-50%.
  • Lower per-cylinder costs - UE systems require less fixed-cost resources as well as variable-cost items such as valve replacement, resulting in lower average costs per cylinder tests.
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